8-14 SEPTEMBER ‘24

Welcome to Heal a transformative Body Healing Mind Mending Soul Quenching retreat in the heart of Mallorca for women 40+ in need of a lifestyle transformation

Are you Ready to heal?

If you are a like-minded sister, 40+ and experience physical, mental and/or lifestyle health challenges like these, I developed this retreat for you

Did you know over 95% of your health challenges are caused by the wrong diet and lifestyle choices?

My team and I will teach you to make the right choices...

“I cannot rate my experience highly enough, from the minute I arrived to the minute I left, and beyond to my retreat follow-up program, I learnt so much and truly found myself and understood what my body needs. Not to mention eating some of the best food ever” Maxine, UK


indulging in seven blissful days and six magical nights, dedicated to renewing, relaxing, and recalibrating amidst a haven of wellness

As you immerse yourself in the radiant warmth of the sun, enveloped by the azure hues of the Mediterranean, you'll feel the ancient energy emanating from the majestic Tramuntana mountains

Surrounded by breathtaking nature and the invigorating scent of pine trees, you'll embark on a journey of rejuvenation and inner harmony

“You no longer have to imagine, you will experience all of this at your New Beginnings Retreat”

“Well!! I don’t know where to start! I have never been on a retreat before but I will always holiday like this from now on! Denise and her team were really the most special humans and made me and everyone else feel very welcome, the workshops and treatments were invaluable, the pool was fantastic and the food was absolutely stunning, I feel like a new woman and very inspired for what is next for me, I’ll definitely be back” x Stacey, UK

“It’s time to get clarity and a healing plan for moving forward so that every day gets you excited and ready to do what you’re meant to do”

“I came with my friend to finally understand what is going on with our digestion issues and try and feel healthier, well goodness me! We both feel revitalised and energised now we understand nutrition better, a holiday in a million, we will never forget, we are looking to book a rest & reset retreat next year, see you soon xx Louisa & Julie UK

Why Mallorca?

After enduring some challenging, tearful, and lonely winter nights a couple of years ago, as I persevered in my mission to promote better health through wellness and nutrition, I felt like no one was listening and I was banging my head up against a brick wall, I had reached a breaking point

Although, despite grappling with moments of despair, I remained steadfast in my determination not to abandon the research and hard work I had already invested. Recognising my own urgent need to recalibrate, refocus, and recharge, I resolved to reset my mindset

I knew exactly what I needed and where to find it – Mallorca! Since I was just 18 months old, Mallorca has been our family’s second home. My Dad owned an apartment there for 35 years, so all our family holidays were spent on this beautiful island. From quick weekend getaways to longer stays, Mallorca held a special place in our hearts. Eventually, in 2005, I made the decision to live there and even set up my own property management business. It was an incredible experience, and I loved every moment of it. I mean, who wouldn’t, right?

However, life took an unexpected turn when my husband's job required us to reluctantly return to the UK five years later. Despite leaving behind the paradise of Mallorca, I found solace in knowing that my friends, especially my bestie Jen, were still there. So, I booked a blissful 10-day break at the end of February with Jen and Mallorca!

“Little did I know, this decision would prove to be a turning point”

Jen collected me from the airport, and in true Thelma and Louise style we immersed ourselves in Mallorca's gorgeous nature, its vast blue skies, crystal-clear turquoise sea, snow-capped mountains, vibrant wildflowers, and wonderful wildlife. I felt my spirit rejuvenate. We walked, talked, cooked, ate, drank, relaxed and soaked up the magical energy of Mallorca. The long, heart-to-heart conversations during our leisurely dog walks to the nearby cala, with Maddie her cocker spaniel, were profoundly nourishing for my body, mind, and soul

The change of scenery, the presence of cherished friends, the simple pleasures of walking, indulging in delicious meals, basking in the warm sunshine, and reconnecting with nature provided the nourishment I desperately needed to persevere

The food was a biggie for me too, I was a professional Chef for over 30 years, so while I was there I did a lot of cooking with Mallorca’s fresh, whole food, it is so much more appetising and nourishing, the fruits and veggies are bursting with vitality and flavour, the herbs grow big and abundant and you can feel your body and your brain waking up with all the energy you have just put in

“And I want all that for you”

I want you to experience the same rejuvenation and renewal that transformed my life and mindset, I want you to taste the food and remember how it should taste and how it makes you feel, I want you to be inspired and excited, I want you to remember how friends, walking in nature and women uplifting each other feels and how to remember that nurturing your whole self holistically is how we achieve wellness and happiness in our lives

“I just wanted somewhere hot and gorgeous to relax and unwind from my busy life without having to think of the details, simply stunning villa, advice, treatments and retreat, congrats girls, you rock x” Kelly, Northern Ireland

8-14 September ‘24


8-14 September ‘24 NEW BEGINNINGS



Have you lost sight of your path?

If you feel disconnected from yourself, your life and your relationships, you feel you need to make a shift and are overwhelmed by the demands of life to find the next step, our retreat offers the perfect opportunity to realign and find what is next for you. Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey to reignite your passion and rediscover your purpose.

Come prepared to prioritise your well-being and self-care, nourish yourself, find more balance and embrace your inner strength. You will receive a personalised 1:1 lifestyle discovery session with Denise to understand your goals and create a rock-solid plan. We guide you to a great head space through revitalising yoga sessions and grounding breathwork, massage, reiki and cookery demos, immerse yourself in nature and relaxation, allowing you to reconnect with your true self and cultivate personal growth

8-14 September ‘24 PLACES AVAILABLE

ONLY 10 PLACES 7 magical days and 6 awe-inspiring nights

from only £1,950 | €2,300 | $2,500 per person

See OUR TREAT below to make some fantastic savings

  • Through your NEW BEGINNINGS workshops, your included activities, treatments and therapies we will show you how to bring out your inner Goddess and develop the following:

    SELF-CARE ROUTINE: You will develop a consistent self-care routine Danni, Jen and Lili will help you with activities like meditation and yoga or spending time in nature to reduce stress and increase energy levels

    NOURISH: Delve into the importance of nutrition during your retreat. Gain a new understanding of how food can be your medicine and leave equipped with the tools to transform your health and sustain lifelong wellness practices

    Cultivate new food habits that nourish your body, enhance mental clarity, and promote balance. Embrace the spirit of renewal by aligning your dietary choices with your overall well-being goals

    SET BOUNDERIES: You will learn to say no to excessive workloads or commitments that contribute to burnout. Establish healthy boundaries in relationships to protect your energy and well-being

    SEEK SUPPORT: Consider seeking therapy or counselling to navigate the emotional aftermath of a relationship, caregiving responsibilities, or personal loss. Denise can provide 1:1 guidance, support and tools to cope with difficult emotions and help you make informed decisions about the future

    EXPLORE PURPOSE: You will reflect on your values, interests, and goals to gain clarity about your next steps in life. Denise will guide you to explore career options or personal aspirations

    PRACTICE MINDFULNESS: Denise and Lili will get you engaged in mindfulness practices such as deep breathing exercises, or mindful eating to cultivate inner peace

    RELAXATION: We will prioritise activities that promote relaxation and renewal, such as spending time in nature, or finding hobbies that bring joy and fulfilment

    HOLISTIC WELLNESS APPROACHES: Understand holistic approaches to health and well-being, how self-care, yoga-type practices and holistic nutrition address underlying imbalances and promote overall wellness

    IMPROVE SLEEP: Learn to establish a bedtime routine, how to create a comfortable sleep environment, and practical tips to improve the quality of your sleep

    CREATE A ROCK-SOLID PLAN: During your personalised 1:1 session with Denise, we'll dig deep into your innermost desires and passions to uncover what truly gives you fire in your belly. Together, we'll identify your aspirations and goals, and then craft a roadmap to help you realise them step by step. Whether you're seeking clarity on your life's purpose or aiming to achieve specific milestones, Denise will provide guidance and support to empower you on your journey toward fulfilment.

  • Join us for our "5 Steps to Holistic Wellness" workshop where you'll embark on a comprehensive exploration of every facet of your well-being. Dive deep into the realms of physical, emotional, social, and mental health as we guide you through building sustainable habits for long-term vitality.

    Discover the power of prioritising sleep, cultivating nourishing routines, and embracing the joy of laughter. These Pillars of Wellness form the bedrock of achieving and sustaining holistic health throughout your lifetime. Don't miss this transformative journey toward a balanced and fulfilling life.

    Find your purpose and make a solid plan workshop
    Reflect on what truly matters to you and what brings meaning to your life. Evaluate your current circumstances and identify any gaps or areas for growth. Through guided exercises, explore your passions and aspirations, and set clear goals aligned with your values. Develop a concrete plan to pursue new opportunities and realize your full potential in life.

    Journaling & manifestation workshop:
    Gain insights into manifestation and the workings of the universe, understanding how to articulate your desires effectively. Explore the interplay between your conscious and subconscious mind, and learn how intentions, goals, and manifestations are interconnected. Discover the power of writing down your intentions and setting them on paper to align with your desires and manifest them into reality.

    Indulge in our "Natural Skincare" workshop, where you'll learn to pamper your skin and enhance your well-being with homemade natural skincare solutions.

    Craft a luxurious body scrub using wholesome ingredients like coconut oil, essential oils, and oatmeal for gentle exfoliation. Experience the rejuvenating effects of an avocado face mask, enriched with nutrients to revitalise your skin.

    Lastly, create personalised massage oils by blending essential oils, tailored to your preferences and wellness objectives. Explore the art of mixing oils and harnessing their therapeutic properties for optimal skin health.

    Don't miss this opportunity to treat yourself to the nurturing care your skin deserves.

“I did the healing with food retreat, it was eye-opening I already started to feel great before I left the retreat and I’m still seeing positive results now, getting better and better and I have been home for 6 months! If you have any illness this retreat will heal you, it’s amazing ” Suzanne, UK

what’s included?
















what’s not included?



  • TRAVEL INSURANCE - this is mandatory

“We had such a transformational retreat, you really do offer people what it says on the tin! Thank you so much, we will be back ” Susie & Vicky, UK

Opportunities for Growth

Focus on resetting your mindset and learning remedies to rest without guilt. Discover how to harness your body's natural healing energy and direct it towards self-care. Embrace this time of renewal and rejuvenation, symbolising fresh beginnings and new opportunities for growth

Nutrition and Complete Wellness

Delve into the importance of nutrition and holistic wellness during your retreat. Gain a new understanding of how food can be your medicine and leave equipped with the tools to transform your health and sustain lifelong wellness practices


Immerse yourself in daily cookery demonstrations to elevate your culinary skills, accompanied by a complimentary recipe e-book. Experience firsthand the ease and efficiency of shopping, preparing, and relishing perfectly balanced meals customised to support your hormone balance, sleep quality, stress management, and overall holistic well-being

Relax & Balance

Experience deep relaxation and balance during your retreat as you realign your chakras, learn stress-management strategies, master meditation techniques, and achieve inner renewal

Tailored Body Treatments

Indulge in natural and organic body treatments tailored to your specific needs. Allow yourself to embark on a guilt-free journey of self-discovery, emerging refreshed and rejuvenated

Healing Plan

Receive personalised support through a 1:1 lifestyle and wellness assessment with Denise, our retreat leader. As a qualified holistic health coach, nutritionist, and psychotherapist, Denise will identify areas for improvement and create a customised healing plan designed to help you achieve your goals and acquire new life skills and strategies for transformation

“We had a fantastic time, relaxing and learning at the same time, loads of info to change all the things we were doing wrong! The treatments and therapies were just superb, never had reiki before we just loved it, amazing ” Linda & Nicola, UK

Massage & Reiki

Indulge in a complimentary 60-minute hot stone aromatherapy massage and a 30-40-minute crystal Reiki healing session included in every retreat. These treatments are designed to promote relaxation, release blockages, and kickstart your journey to well-being. If you desire more, you can easily upgrade to additional massage or Reiki sessions through private 1:1 appointments

Yoga and Breathwork

Participate in daily sunrise yoga and breathwork sessions led by our skilled instructors, Danni and Lili. Both trained and certified in India and Thailand, they will expertly guide you through rejuvenating stretches and mindful breathing techniques. You can also opt for personalised 1:1 sessions with Danni and Lili to deepen your practice

Goddess Juice

Fuel your body with a nourishing Goddess juice before breakfast, packed with essential nutrients to energise you for the day ahead

Wonderful Workshops

Engage in daily expert-led holistic workshops tailored to your retreat's theme. These sessions are carefully crafted to help you refine your self-care practices and master skills for achieving greater equilibrium in your life, providing you with the tools and steps needed to realize your goals.

Wellness Walk

Join our guided wellness walk through nature as the sun begins to set. Whether you use this time for reflection, relaxation, or one last treatment or 1:1 session, it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the tranquility of your surroundings and prepare for the evening ahead.

Our Goddess Circle

Gather after dinner for a powerful and nurturing Goddess Circle experience. Come together with fellow retreat participants to share, support, and empower one another. This positive dive into your retreat experience encourages reflection on how your holistic practices are evolving and how you can integrate them into your daily life, all in a space where you're free to contribute or simply listen and be.

“A wonderful team of therapists and nutritionists all of whom radiate health and wholesomeness, thank you for an excellent healing time with you all and Mallorca” Christine, UK

our finca gaia

Finca Gaia, named after the Spanish word for farmhouse, is our exquisite retreat venue nestled just 5 kilometers from the picturesque Pollenca Bay. Surrounded by the serene Mallorcan countryside and boasting views of the majestic Tramuntana mountains, this idyllic setting provides the perfect backdrop for healing and well-being.

Immersing yourself in the tranquil energy of Mallorca alone is a rejuvenating experience, fostering a profound connection with nature. However, the ambiance is further enhanced by the abundant sunshine and the breathtaking natural landscapes that abound. From awe-inspiring turquoise seas to lush pine forests, rugged mountains, sandy trails, and vibrant wild flora and fauna, every aspect of Finca Gaia's surroundings is truly breathtaking, offering a sanctuary for recalibration and self-renewal.

Discover a serene retreat home nestled in the heart of nature, offering the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. With air conditioning in five ensuite bedrooms, a spacious outdoor pool, and a luxurious hot tub, this tranquil haven provides the ideal setting for relaxation.

Immerse yourself in the peaceful ambience of the surroundings, with expansive grassy areas dedicated to yoga and meditation. Gather around the outdoor eating area, complete with a wood barbecue, where you can share meals, forge new friendships, and foster connections with fellow retreat participants.

Explore the grounds and bask in the warmth and energy of Mallorca. Adorned with olive trees, oleanders, vibrant bougainvillaea, and a variety of palm trees, the gardens offer plenty of secluded spots to wander, unwind, and soak up the Mediterranean sun.

“I booked this retreat not only because it looked absolutely stunning but because it had such a great follow-up program, neither disappointed, it was the best experience I’ve ever had, and to share it with the other Goddesses was amazing, new friends made and my life has taken a turn for the better, thank you so much” Sam, UK

Included in all our retreat packages is a delicious dining experience featuring a buffet breakfast, tapas lunch, and a delightful 2-course evening meal, all meals have plant-based options, accompanied by wine and mineral water.

Our menus are thoughtfully curated, blending typical Mallorquin dishes, traditional Spanish cuisine, and locally sourced fresh ingredients. From succulent grass-fed meats to Mediterranean fish and seafood, as well as plant-based options, our culinary offerings cater to diverse palates. We take pride in utilising wood fire cooking whenever possible, creating flavoursome dishes in the outdoor setting.

Furthermore, our menus are designed to be easily replicable at home, should you wish to continue enjoying our delicious recipes beyond your stay. Some of our evening meals are featured in our complimentary retreat recipe E-book and will be demonstrated daily, empowering you to confidently recreate them in your kitchen.

As part of our holistic approach to well-being, we encourage communal dining experiences, gathering around one table in the shade of the outdoors. We cherish the opportunity to foster connections and nurture relationships while sharing meals, enriching both body and soul. These shared mealtimes serve as a platform for expanding conversations and energies, further enhancing your overall retreat experience.

For guests with dietary preferences or restrictions, simply inform us via the booking form, and we'll ensure your needs are met during your retreat.

Our Food & DRINK

“Wow, wow, wow!!! From the moment I arrived, I felt comfortable and relaxed thanks to the welcoming warm nature of the team. The reflexology and massage were lovely. A week of self-care and complete pampering has been a great way to start my summer. Thank you so much and I’ll be returning next year!” Sarah, Portland US

our itinerary

  • On your arrival day, we will collect you from the airport from 12:00 onwards, your retreat is around a 35-minute drive

    Once you arrive at Finca Gaia you can make yourself right at home, get comfortable in your room, relax by the pool, walk in the woods or grab a siesta until we are all together

    There will be food and soft drinks available throughout the day

    Around 6:30 pm we will all gather around the pool for a welcome drink and some nibbles and get to know each other, we can explain how everything works, and we can book your treatments, therapies and 1:1 sessions for the week, you can ask anything you need, then, it’s time for dinner around 8 pm where all of our meals are eaten together outside by the pool

  • 07:30 Sunrise Meditation, Yoga and breathwork

    08:45 Buffet Breakfast

    10:00 Workshop | Treatments | 1:1 Yoga or Breathwork | Relaxing

    11:30 1:1 Wellness Assessment | Treatments | 1:1 Yoga or Breathwork | Relaxing

    12:30 Reiki | Treatments | 1:1 Yoga or Breathwork | Relaxing

    13:30 Buffet Lunch

    14:30 1:1 Wellness Assessment | Treatments | 1:1 Yoga or Breathwork | Relaxing

    15:30 Freshly squeezed Orange Juice break

    16:00 1:1 Wellness Assessment | Treatments | 1:1 Yoga or Breathwork | Relaxing

    17:00 Treatments | 1:1 Yoga or Breathwork | Relaxing

    18:00 Cookery Demo | Relaxing

    19:00 Sunset walk | Forest Sound Bath | Relaxing

    20:30 2-course Dinner

  • After yoga, breathwork, meditation and breakfast, around 10 am, we will take you to the beach, Alcudia or Pollensa town, where you can soak up the rays or explore, find some local treasures or souvenirs to take home, maybe catch a bus or people-watch from a bar or bistro

    A packed lunch and mineral water is available should you wish

    We will collect you again from 17:00, you are absolutely welcome to relax by the pool at Finca Gaia too of course

    Once everyone is together again you can take part in Cookery demos and your sunset walk or you can just relax

    Dinner is at 20:30 as usual

  • Breakfast is at 8 am today, then we will say our goodbyes

    We will provide you with a packed lunch and mineral water and leave for Palma airport at 9:30 am if your flight is earlier we will take you at the time required, if it is later we can take you into Palma city if you prefer

“There are not enough words to say how wonderful our retreat was, but here’s a few - fantastic, well thought out, caring, expert and gorgeous team, wonderful new friends, just amazing, best thing we’ve ever done” Debbie & Michelle, UK


FOR ALL RETREATS 2024 & 2025

Bring a friend and save this EACH on the single occupancy room price!



Book your 2025 retreat before 31st August 2024 and SAVE



Choreograph your cash with some monthly moves and a payment plan just contact us so we can get you dancing!

“Loved everything, did everything and came back a new woman, thank you so much, I’m bringing friends next year x” Ashleigh, UK

Our Therapies

To intensify and personalise your holistic wellness journey choose from our amazing therapy menu available daily, from private talking therapy sessions to hot stone massage

  • Massage Therapy


    A Full body massage that will leave you feeling deeply relaxed and balanced as the massage works to relieve muscle tension, relax tired eye muscles, re-balance the flow of energy within the body and trigger the release of endorphins in the brain. The hot stones are a game-changer! They melt away any tension or stress by heating your muscles 5 times deeper than a hand massage, it’s an unmissable therapy


    Upgrade your retreat with private 1:1 massage sessions



    We have been blending some oil magic! We have blended some of the most helpful essential oils for balancing your hormones; Geranium, Lavender, Clary Sage and the most potent of all my secret ingredient Hyssop! All are blended into an Evening Primrose carrier oil, which, in itself is extremely helpful

    Your skin will soak the blend up through a 60-minute, fantastic full-body hot stone massage, a 30-minute Reflexology treatment, and then an Indian head massage with the addition of Frankincense which will calm your scalp, rejuvenate your skin and leave you feeling invigorated. All leading to a better night’s sleep, less unbalanced feelings and a calmer mood

    AVAILABLE DAILY | 90 MINS | €140

    REFLEXOLOGY WITH ESSENTIAL OILS Reflexology is an incredible therapy that has existed for thousands of years across ancient cultures

    We use essential oils to gently massage and employ reflexology techniques to the soles of your feet, toes and ankles. The firmer reflexology touch is used to reset your energy flow or chi, move your lymphatic fluid away and generally make you feel fabulous.

    Any health issues that are existing or even pre-existing can sometimes be detected


    Crystal Reiki Healing


    Reiki is an amazing Japanese healing technique which uses positive energy transference channelled from your practitioner to you by means of touch, concentrating on the opening and unblocking of your chakras and balancing the energy flow of your body. Reiki also activates the natural healing processes in your body and restores physical and emotional well-being

    We use Reiki healing crystals to amplify the effect by placing them on top of the corresponding chakra centres within your body

    Reiki can have truly amazing results, a tangible therapy that can be an emotional experience. Reiki is effective for both physical and emotional problems

    You may experience colours or lights behind your eyes, or you physically feel the energy, but you may not, everyone’s experience is totally individual and there is no correct way to experience it

    Reiki is incredibly relaxing and calming, you will feel more relaxed and get a great night’s sleep


    Upgrade your retreat with private 1:1 sessions, available daily

    AVAILABLE DAILY | 30-40 MINS | €50

    Wellness Assessment & Healing Plan

    Denise, our retreat director, is a qualified psychotherapist, holistic health coach and nutritionist and uses all of those modalities to assess how to transform your physical and/or mental health and tailor a holistic healing plan for you

    We will grab a drink and have a private 1:1 session to assess your wellness what you want to achieve and which goals you have set yourself, or if you haven’t will guide you through some goal-setting techniques. Nutrition, relationships and lifestyle are all topics to delve into too so the optimum results can be obtained from your assessment


    If you feel you would like to chat further Denise will be available throughout the retreat


Our Treatments

Elevate your self-care and healing journey with our exceptional personalised treatments, meticulously crafted using exclusively handmade and natural, organic ingredients

  • Facials, Rubs & Scrubs


    This gorgeous, handmade facial uses all organic, natural ingredients and essential oils to give your face what it deserves. We start with a Frankincense cleansing face wash, then one of our homemade scrubs and masks especially made for you to suit your skin type; oatmeal, avocado, coconut oil, Manuka honey, cucumber, witch hazel and of course essential oils are just some of our fresh, organic and natural ingredients we use to feed your face!

    Then a face and head massage relaxes and tones the muscles, drains the lymphatic fluid and toxins and encourages collagen, then a starflower toner is applied, and finally, our shea butter moisturiser with sweet orange and geranium essential oils. This treatment leaves you glowing, rejuvenates your skin and nourishes it like nothing before, not a harsh chemical in sight and it makes you feel and look fabulous, a real treat



    Get silky smooth skin, repaired, rehydrated and soothed after the summer sun with our handmade natural and organic, whole body scrub made from organic coconut oil, pure aloe vera and oatmeal massaged onto your body



    Soak the tiredness away in a detoxing pink Himalayan salt and geranium essential oil foot bath. Then exfoliate with our handmade orange, geranium and nutmeg essential oil exfoliating foot scrub to ensure fab feet are ready for anything


Our Activities

Indulge in our amazing choice of daily activities, including serene sunrise yoga sessions and revitalising breathwork to start your day.

Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of nature with guided walks, embrace the empowering energy of our Goddess Circle, and unwind with a rejuvenating beach excursion or a leisurely day of shopping.

And, of course, don't forget to pamper yourself with moments of relaxation by the pool

  • Meditation and Breathwork


    Breathwork is an intentional, controlled breathing exercise. It can be as simple as taking a deep breath after a stressful meeting

    Breathwork has its roots in yoga and the deep breathing used in Tai Chi and other Eastern practices. It works by consciously changing the way you breathe. It covers a range of different types of breathing exercises and can become a powerful tool in facilitating healing and transformation

    Lily’s daily breathwork practice will benefit your mind, body, and soul through a whole-body, holistic approach. It helps to reach a deeper state of mind and to stay focused on tasks longer. It is also a wonderful tool for creating a better sense of self-awareness, also it can…

    Increase your self-confidence and boost your self-esteem

    Allow you to tap into deeper creative energies

    Aid in the release of stress and anxiety

    Help you work through negative emotions and release negative thoughts

    Allow for a deeper state of consciousness during meditation



    Upgrade your retreat package and get an in-depth insight into breathwork by booking a private 1:1 session


    We greet the sun with a guided meditation by the pool. This will establish a wonderful ‘headspace’ so you can start your day already aligned with your purpose



    Take a deep dive into meditation and its effects and how it can give you optimum mental health by upgrading your retreat package and book a private 1:1 session



    Join in Danni’s daily yoga salutation to the sun. The intensive physical processes in Ashtanga are all about pushing through mental blocks, and emotional baggage to cultivate mental clarity, mindful breathing, physical strength, flexibility, and endurance. The structure and frequency of the practice is designed to help you quickly improve your body and overall wellness. The set sequence of posture creates a strong framework that allows one to focus on the inner limbs of the yoga sutras.

    The benefits of Ashtanga yoga are numerous. It is known to be strenuous, so it is great for athletes and people who are looking for a good workout. Like most styles of hatha yoga, Ashtanga focuses on breath, poses, and meditation. A regular yoga practice can improve your flexibility, breathing, and balance. It can increase your stamina, bone density and muscle strength, control your body weight, lowers your blood pressure and relieve stress. The benefits of the Ashtanga yoga are not only limited to physical factors. It also helps mentally and spiritually by boosting mental clarity, creating mental calmness and developing better concentration in daily life.



    Upgrade your included yoga session and book private 1:1 sessions to boost your wellness


    Sunset Wellness Walks


    You will have the opportunity to join the group on an evening walk through the countryside and local woods, where you can not only discover more about your Goddess sisters but also the vibrant Mallorcan countryside which, depending on the time of year, immerse yourself into a cornucopia of wild plants, wildlife and stunning views that will only leave you in awe, accompanied by the beautiful Cocker Spaniel, Maddie of course!


    Daily Cookery Demo

    We have carefully crafted our menus so you can quickly and easily replicate them at home if you want to. Some of your evening meals are from our free retreat recipe book and will be demonstrated daily to give you the confidence to try them yourself

    Goddess Circle

    After dinner, we will come together in a powerful and potent way to hold space with each other, to be heard and understood, we will rally our divine feminine, understand what we have taken from each day, and how we might implement that into our every day. This is a positive dive into how your experience on your retreat is evolving your holistic practices and how you might add them to your day, it is not a delve into your pasts or indeed do we press you to contribute at all, just be and listen if that is all you want to do

    When you acknowledge and validate your feelings in a supported environment by your Goddess sisters, share wisdom, and your experience and empower each other’s positive energy contributions to the circle you become wiser, you learn how to care for yourself mentally and physically and learn to honour the changes you feel in your mind and your body. And who knows you may even start your own Goddess circle when you leave and show your own Goddess sisters to heal and step into their feminine

    Down Day


    Wednesday will be our ‘down day’, where you can explore Mallorca on a wider level if you want to. We will take you to Puerto Alcudia or Pollensa and the stunning Alcudia Bay beach, only 8K from Finca Gaia. Where you can discover the awe-inspiring beach and plenty of shopping to get those last-minute gifts for home, enjoy the lovely restaurants and bars

    You can also find public transport to neighbouring towns and villages or travel into Palma, Mallorca’s capital, to view the magnificent cathedral or people watch in the many chic bars and bistros

    We can organise car hire for you if you would rather go under your own steam or a taxi service, these both need to be booked well in advance to avoid disappointment in peak holiday periods, also Mallorca is experiencing a shortage of taxis at the moment

    We will supply you with a packed lunch and mineral water if you’re not intending to enjoy the local restaurants

    We leave from 10:00 and collect you again from 17:00

    Alternatively, of course, you can carry on doing whatever suits you at Finca Gaia, treatments will be available as will lunch, served as usual

Our Workshops

Discover an exceptional choice of expert-led holistic workshops meticulously tailored to your retreat experience. These workshops are designed to refine your self-care practices and equip you with invaluable skills to cultivate greater balance in your life. You'll gain access to the precise tools and steps necessary to thrive in every aspect of life


    Join us for our "5 Steps to Holistic Wellness" workshop where you'll embark on a comprehensive exploration of every facet of your well-being. Dive deep into the realms of physical, emotional, social, and mental health as we guide you through building sustainable habits for long-term vitality.

    Discover the power of prioritising sleep, cultivating nourishing routines, and embracing the joy of laughter. These Pillars of Wellness form the bedrock of achieving and sustaining holistic health throughout your lifetime. Don't miss this transformative journey toward a balanced and fulfilling life.

    Find your purpose and make a solid plan workshop
    Reflect on what truly matters to you and what brings meaning to your life. Evaluate your current circumstances and identify any gaps or areas for growth. Through guided exercises, explore your passions and aspirations, and set clear goals aligned with your values. Develop a concrete plan to pursue new opportunities and realize your full potential in life.

    ”Journaling & manifestation” workshop:
    Gain insights into manifestation and the workings of the universe, understanding how to articulate your desires effectively. Explore the interplay between your conscious and subconscious mind, and learn how intentions, goals, and manifestations are interconnected. Discover the power of writing down your intentions and setting them on paper to align with your desires and manifest them into reality.

    Indulge in our "Natural Skincare" workshop, where you'll learn to pamper your skin and enhance your well-being with homemade natural skincare solutions.

    Craft a luxurious body scrub using wholesome ingredients like coconut oil, essential oils, and oatmeal for gentle exfoliation. Experience the rejuvenating effects of an avocado face mask, enriched with nutrients to revitalise your skin.

    Lastly, create personalised massage oils by blending essential oils, tailored to your preferences and wellness objectives. Explore the art of mixing oils and harnessing their therapeutic properties for optimal skin health.

    Don't miss this opportunity to treat yourself to the nurturing care your skin deserves.


    Join us for our "5 Steps to Holistic Wellness" workshop where you'll embark on a comprehensive exploration of every facet of your well-being. Dive deep into the realms of physical, emotional, social, and mental health as we guide you through building sustainable habits for long-term vitality. Discover the power of prioritising sleep, cultivating nourishing routines, and embracing the joy of laughter. These Pillars of Wellness form the bedrock of achieving and sustaining holistic health throughout your lifetime. Don't miss this transformative journey toward a balanced and fulfilling life.

    Come and join us for our "Get Better Stress" workshop, where you'll gain valuable insight into how stress impacts both your body and mind. Understand its effects on your overall health and well-being, and discover effective coping strategies to manage stress more effectively.

    Learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of stress before they escalate, and explore techniques to harness stress as a tool for personal growth. This workshop will empower you to take control of stress and cultivate resilience in the face of life's challenges. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your stress management skills and improve your overall quality of life.

    Join us for our "Relaxation and Balance" workshop, where you'll delve into practical techniques for relaxation and find balance amidst life's demands. Discover simple yet effective hacks to effortlessly integrate relaxation into your daily routine.

    Uncover strategies to identify and eliminate stressors, creating space for tranquillity and well-being. Don't miss this opportunity to prioritise your mental and emotional health and discover the key to living a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    Indulge in our "Natural Skincare" workshop, where you'll learn to pamper your skin and enhance your well-being with homemade natural skincare solutions.

    Craft a luxurious body scrub using wholesome ingredients like coconut oil, essential oils, and oatmeal for gentle exfoliation. Experience the rejuvenating effects of an avocado face mask, enriched with nutrients to revitalise your skin.

    Lastly, create personalised massage oils by blending essential oils, tailored to your preferences and wellness objectives. Explore the art of mixing oils and harnessing their therapeutic properties for optimal skin health.

    Don't miss this opportunity to treat yourself to the nurturing care your skin deserves.


    Embark on a comprehensive exploration of your well-being, encompassing physical, emotional, social, and mental health. Discover how to establish sustainable habits that foster long-term results, from prioritising quality sleep to embracing daily routines and finding joy in laughter. These Pillars of Wellness serve as the cornerstone for achieving and sustaining holistic health throughout your lifetime.

    As many of us undergo what I like to call an awakening, realising that medications, pills, and potions fall short in addressing our health concerns, we find ourselves drained, lacking vitality, and experiencing cognitive decline. Recognising that we are far from attaining wellness, you've chosen to join this retreat with a determination to reclaim control over your health and instigate a transformation. Placing your trust in myself and my team, you will receive the strategies and tools necessary to rejuvenate your body, restore vitality, enhance memory, and sharpen cognitive function. During this initial workshop segment, we'll demystify the confusion surrounding food and equip you with essential knowledge to carry forward in life. You'll discern which foods optimise health and which to avoid. Witnessing improvements in your health and experiencing fewer symptoms will be your testament as the days, weeks, and months progress.

    In the second segment, you'll delve into the practicalities of preparing and planning for your newfound healing journey with the right foods. Explore meal planning techniques, streamline your shopping process, and master the art of creating nutritious, delectable, and time-efficient meals.

    Discover the art of nurturing your skin and well-being through homemade natural skincare solutions. Craft a luxurious body scrub using coconut oil, essential oils, and oatmeal for gentle exfoliation. Experience the revitalising benefits of an avocado face mask, rich in nutrients to replenish your skin. Finally, concoct personalised massage oils using a blend of essential oils, tailored to your preferences and wellness goals. Unveil the therapeutic properties of oil blending for optimal skin health.



    We look at every aspect of your physical, emotional, social, and mental health, which allows us to craft the necessary building blocks for long-term results, from getting enough sleep to building a routine to just laughing more often. 
Of course, there is no catch-all cure for sadness and stress, nor any instant solution for our problems. However, these Pillars of Wellness are an effective way to develop the habits necessary to not only find results but maintain them throughout your life

    Immerse yourself in this workshop which encompasses all the pillars of holistic wellness, we look at emotional wellness, sleep, mindfulness, nutrition, relationships, movement and laughter and guide you on a journey of self-discovery and realisation to align your best holistic self with your life and the people in it


    There is little to no information to help women experiencing hormone imbalance, especially not on how to balance without medications and using natural and holistic methods. In this workshop, you will understand what your specific hormone issue is, why you are deficient, what the changes will mean for your body and lifestyle and why you are deficient and understand the symptoms so you can easily implement them into your lifestyle and start to enjoy the next part of your life instead of dreading it. balance those hormones easily and start to feel fabulous


    All of our natural, whole foods are full of nutrients, enzymes and vitamins which keep your endocrine system functioning healthily and balanced, so it’s very important to know which hormones you are lacking or have too much of and how to use food to optimise that. We are going to deep dive into your hormone issues and help you understand how you can realign your hormones with food and launch into the next part of your life with inspiration and excitement


    To ensure you can look after your skin and wellness at home we will show you how to create natural skincare using pure and organic ingredients, we will make a body scrub using coconut oil, essential oils and oatmeal. Then we will make an avocado face mask, you will be amazed at how all the nutrients in avocadoes can also nourish your face and neck, then finally, we will make our own massage oils with the essential oils of your choice we will teach you how to mix and what combinations of oils work best for which goals

Welcome Pack

When you come and find your inner Goddess you’ll get the T-shirt to prove it!

Each attendee receives a welcome pack designed to enhance your retreat experience. Inside, you'll find our exclusive 'I am a Goddess' T-shirt, along with Hibiscus salt from Mallorca, lemon-fresh wipes, and insect spray just in case for added comfort. To promote restful sleep, we've included a pillow spray. Additionally, you'll receive a Gaia-branded pen and notepad to preserve your retreat memories, as well as a Gaia water bottle to keep you hydrated throughout your journey.



Introducing Sága, our online workshop resource. Even after your retreat becomes a cherished memory, we're committed to providing ongoing support through our comprehensive online holistic workshops. As a token of our appreciation, enjoy an exclusive 50% discount on these workshops following your attendance at one of our retreats



As you depart from your retreat with your inner goddess fully awakened, our connection doesn't end there. Our dedication to your holistic well-being extends far beyond your departure date. We're committed to ensuring your continued support even after you return home. That's why we offer Athena, a complimentary online retreat follow-up session designed to check in with you. It's an opportunity for us all to come together once more, reigniting those exhilarating retreat vibes

Our Bazaar

We have a great little space at your retreat where you can purchase forgotten toiletries, beach towels, sarongs, Balanese dresses, bags and hats, essential oils, Gaia-branded T-shirts, water bottles, pens and journals


MUSE, in Greco-Roman religion and mythology, is any group of sister Goddesses. The chief centre of whose cult was Mount Helicon in Boeotia, Greece. They were born at the foot of Mount Olympus

We would be thrilled to host your group of 8-10 Goddesses for a bespoke retreat tailored to align with your unique holistic well-being goals and aspirations. Our curated program will feature workshops with content for your goals, sessions, activities, and 1:1 strategy sessions meticulously selected to cater to your individual MUSE. Let us create an unforgettable experience that perfectly reflects your collective journey towards wellness and empowerment


“A wonderful trip, wonderful team and wonderful food can’t wait to come back next year” Laura-Jean, UK

Are you ready to experience all this yet?

“An incredible, enlightening experience, thank you so much to everyone xxx” Iris, UK

Our Team


Denise is our retreat leader, she is a deeply spiritual person and empowering, uplifting and encouraging women to make positive shifts in their lives by giving them the knowledge they need to heal, this is how she feels called to serve her purpose

She is also a passionate nutritionist who has a wealth of knowledge to impart and infuse

Denise is a natural problem solver on a practical level and loves to keep studying everything wellness. She is a qualified psychotherapist, Reiki Master, Reflexologist, Health Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, Massage and Aromatherapist and was a professional Chef for over 30 years.

When she is not running retreats she works in the wellness industry offering her therapies within her UK business The Therapy Shed, see it here

If you would like to discuss anything with Denise before you commit to your retreat please Contact Us or Book a Call


Danni is a native English and Spanish speaker raised in Mallorca. She is our Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga instructor and has embarked on a transformative journey through the world of yoga. With over three years of dedicated practice under her belt, she recently achieved a significant milestone by completing her yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India, renowned as the yoga capital of the world.

Her yoga journey began as a quest for self-discovery and healing, quickly evolving into a profound passion. Danni’s extensive travels since the age of 18 have exposed her to diverse cultures and landscapes, enriching her understanding of the world and nurturing her spiritual growth. However, it was yoga that became her sanctuary, providing solace and guidance during times of uncertainty

If you would like to discuss anything with Danni before you commit to your retreat please Contact Us or Book a Call


Jen is an all-around wonderful domestic Goddess and Wellness coach, she makes everything look beautiful, she makes our food taste fantastic and takes us on wonderful wellness walks, she helps us with absolutely everything. She is a spiritual butterfly and gives us her pearls of wisdom

If you would like to discuss anything with Jen before you commit to your retreat please Contact Us or Book a Call


Lili is from Hungary, and she is thrilled to extend an invitation to journey with her into the realm of spiritual exploration. Lili says, from an early age, my path led me into spiritual healing, where I delved deep into practices such as yoga, meditation, and self-healing, solidifying my commitment by qualifying as a Yoga psychology & Vedic lifestyle mentor

Lili’s journey continued with a transformative experience at a renowned retreat centre in Koh Phangan, Thailand, followed by an enriching immersion dedicated to the study and practice of breathwork

If you would like to discuss anything with Lili before you commit to your retreat please Contact Us or Book a Call

“A truly wonderful experience with a wonderful team, I am transformed, thank you from the bottom of my heart” Elsje, Netherlands

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Speak to Denise, your retreat leader just book a call below

OR you can email or call a retreat consultant on 07572102520 from the UK or 00447572102520 from outside the UK

We can't wait to meet you and support you with whatever you need

“I had a wonderful experience and relaxed quickly. Treatments were awesome, meditation wonderful, reflexology invigorating and the whole retreat was amazing, done in a professional, warm and friendly way by all the team” Frances, UK

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